
The new gothic wind

The Gothic is the most enduring literary tradition in history but in recent years friendly ghosts and vegetarian vampires threaten its foundations.
The New Gothic is a collection of short stories which revisits to the core archetypes of the Gothic, the rambling, secret-filled building, the stranger seeking answers, the black-hearted tyrant, and reminds us not to embrace but to fear the darkness.

The new gothic jewelry, although the oldest black blood, flowing is mixed with a little romance, spring from the monotony of black with a strong sharp, into the aesthetic temperament. It is the another sweet dark gothic style characteristics, tender, sweet, beautiful.

Valentino Red Crystal Necklace

It was full of glittering crystal type necklace heavy and complicated, it requires to detail makes this full-bodied tonal so special.Collocation is capable of white shirt, or wiping a bosom of black velvet dress, can make you hanging over the luxury extraordinary mysterious aura.

Oscar DE la Renta irregular gem bracelet

Tom Binns skull ring shape
Delicate crystal column under the gold foil with colorful treasure appears extremely bright, like the "princess Bella" in the movie.Gothic style is no longer just a kind of fashion style, it is a kind of attitude to life. Both tie-in suit jacket and black clothes, can make you elegant stepped into the office.

